Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Six Principles to Build Trust

Six principles to build trust and generate advocacy:


1.    KNOW ME

·         Listen to me and understand my state of mind.

·         Recognize the emotional side of my problem.

·         Adapt to my needs.

·         Remember me and my issues.

·         Gauge my readiness to learn and understand in this moment.


And I will feel rewarded and recognized for being a valued customer!



2.    TALK TO ME

·         Calibrate your language to talk to me on my level.

·         Don’t confuse me with tech-jargon that I don’t understand.

·         Be straightforward; tell me the truth.

·         Take the time to listen to my request and understand my needs.


And I will feel you are focused on me and understand my needs!




·         Be 100% accountable.

·         Stick with me until I feel confident.

·         Anticipate, respond and adapt to my needs through the journey.

·         Help me know where to go for questions and issues.

·         Act outside of a script, share real personal ideas and guidance.

·         Don’t make me talk to a supervisor to get somewhere.


And I will give you credit for taking the time to resolve my issue!




·         Inform me of the process.

·         Don’t put me on “black hold”.

·         Let me know where my queries stand at all times.

·         Give me evidence and assurance that it’s fixed.


And I will feel I’m dealing with someone I can trust!



5.    ARM ME

·         Give me something to talk about (Wow Me).

·         Give me the tools to teach others (Educate Me).

·         Inspire me to discover new things I can do with my technology.


And I will welcome your communication with me!



6.    VALUE ME

·         Be available to me where, how and when I need help.

·         Thank me for my business.


And I will feel appreciated!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Just 5 minutes

There are lots of things we can do that only takes five minutes. One of them is making a plan to take action.

We are all driven by emotions and ideas about who we are and how the world works. What are the emotions and ideas driving you?

Do you feel held back or stuck? How do you make decisions? How did you decide who you are? Or did someone else tell you who you are?

Take 5 minutes and think about this.

Did you know that you can change those emotions and ideas? All it takes is a decision. That sounds simple enough, but is it easy to do? Yes the decision is easy. Then what?  Are you going to wait for someone else or are you willing to do the work?

Take action. Take action now. No one else is going to do that work. If you are feeling stuck or held back then no one else is going to fix that. Yes there is help available. You are not alone. There are people to talk to and groups, books, videos, seminars and cd’s, but, the decision is still yours.

OK, let’s be honest. You can listen to and read all the self help material out there, but nothing is going to happen until you take action.

Action is the key.  Formulate a plan and take action. It is that simple. Everyone has bumps on the road, but that’s it they are moving down the road. So get up dust yourself off and keep moving.

If that first plan didn’t work to get you where you want to be, then make an adjustment. Don’t just give up because the first thing you tried didn’t work. Thomas Edison made hundreds of attempts before the light bulb was created. Every failed attempt showed him what didn’t work, so he could try again with another approach, same with the Wright brothers and the airplane, and Bell and Watson with the telephone. There are many great inventors that got it wrong the first time.

So don’t give up. Keep going.


Monday, May 19, 2014

12 Unusual Benifits of Giving up Sugar

Here are some benefits you might gain by giving up sugar. Some of these you may have seen before. If you suffering from some of the other symptoms, maybe you should consider giving up or cutting back on sugar. You may have an allergy.


1.    Smaller waist line

2.    Reduced risk for diabetes

3.    More money in the wallet

4.    Clearer skin

5.    Less moodiness

6.    Better quality sleep

7.    Clearer sinuses

8.    Less yeast infections

9.    No athletes foot

10.  Heal faster from viruses and colds

11.  Clearer thinking

12.  Reduced allergy symptoms

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Who are you?

Let me ask  you some  questions. Who are you? Do you really know yourself? What is that makes you you? Do you like who you are? Do you like how you are in the world or in private?

If you are not sure how to answer those questions, then it maybe time to really ponder them. After that ask yourself is there anything you would like to change or are you content?

It is so hard to be an individual with individual ideas and feelings today. We play the conformity game at work to please our bosses and coworkers. and we play the game at home to please our friends and family.

Would they like you, love you and appreciate you with out the game?

Answer this on a scale of one to ten. one being really bad and 10 being great, how happy are you with

leisure time?

And how focused are you on each of these?
scale of one to ten...

Next what benifits are you getting from your answers? Even if your answers were 1's 2's or 3's there is still a benifit. you may have to look a little harder to find it, or may turn it around.

As an example... if you are really unhappy with your finances, and you are always asking friends and family for money. but on the other hand your really happy with your family. the benifit is that it keeps you connected to them. Even if the curcumstances of the relationship are not ideal.

So the next part  is how can you be happy with both, a good relationship with friends and family and created a healthier relationship with your finances?

Some changes may need to be made so that everyone benifits, and that all areas of your life are in balance.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Don't think about

You can't think about what you don't want to think about without thinking about it. 

Huh? Break that down slowly. If I say don't think about chocolate. Your brain will actually think about it for just a split second, and for that split second you may really want that chocolate. But then I said don't think about, and now you are stuck, because you thinking about it. 

This hold true for unpleasant things too. If I say don't think about crime, you're going to think about crime. 

So keeping that in mind, if you are wanting prosperity in your life? Should you be thinking about the lack of prosperity? 

No. Why not? Because your brain will accuay focus on the lack if instead of the abundance of it. 

If you're trying to attract something into your life, then don't think about the lack of it, think about how much you would like to have. 
This is hie the jaw of attraction works. If you concentrate on the jack then that is what you attract is more lack. 

It's a matter of samantics. This is why diets fail. We end up putting our concentration on the lack, or on the foods  we shouldn't eat while dieting instead of the wonderful benefits we receive doing the diet. 

It's why work is a four letter word. If you like work, then great, but if you don't like work, then it's a drag. And you will just make yourself more miserable wishing you are some place else. 

So. Let's think about what we do want to think about. Let's concentrate on the good stuff, and have a happy abundant life. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dream vs. Fantasy

What is the difference between a dream and a fantasy? You might think they are one in the same, but in this exercise they are not.

A dream is something you strongly desire. A dream is a hope for the future, a hope for something better.

A fantasy is a passing whimsy. It’s a daydream, another definition is “imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.” That is from

A dream is what is going to lead you to the doorway of the future. It is something to attain. You can attach goals and actions to it. A fantasy can’t.

An example of a fantasy is flying away on the back of unicorn through a purple forest with the fairies and elves. Nice imagery huh?

What a good coach can do is help you tell the difference between fantasies and dreams, and then help you make goals and plans to achieve that dream. A good coach will also keep you on track towards that goal.

So, dreams are something we can act on to make our lives better, and fantasies are just merely products of our imaginations.