Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Using Happy Memories to Get Through Tough Times.

I place great significance on happy memories. They keep me pushing through difficult times even when I feel like giving up. Recollections of wonderful moments remind me that they are possible despite my challenges.

When a loved one moves away, their absence makes me feel sad. But cherished memories of our good times together help me to feel closer to them. I avoid being distracted by the fact that they are far away.

It is easy to give into feelings of self-doubt during challenging times. But I think back to all the times when I was successful. I use those positive memories to drive my self-confidence. I become motivated by past successes.

Filling my mind with happy memories allows me to maintain a positive outlook. That outlook results in positive actions and an approachable demeanor.

By keeping myself upbeat, I am able to treat others with respect and consideration. Even when someone challenges my peace of mind, I use my mindset to respond constructively. The outcome is much better for everyone that way.

Today, I treasure those memories that take me back to a positive place. I commit to using them as motivation to reach for greater things. I avoid dwelling in a doubtful mindset because I know I have a good track record of succeeding amidst challenges.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.    What can I do to turn challenging situations into positive experiences?
2.    What strategies can I use to get myself out of a self-doubting phase?
3.    How can I engage my loved ones who live far away so we continue to make good memories?

Friday, September 25, 2015

Learn to Forgive

Forgiveness is my sanctuary.

Forgiveness makes my world a safer place. Letting go of resentments protects my physical and mental health.

Pardoning others helps me to overcome self-pity. I learn to view myself as a survivor. I handle disappointments and carry on with my responsibilities.

Resolving conflicts brings me peace. When my mind is at ease, I have more energy to devote to the activities that are meaningful to me.

Practicing forgiveness strengthens my relationships. My friendships become more durable. I am able to interact effectively with a broader range of co-workers and neighbors. This gives me more support and opportunities to grow.

I know that forgiveness is a process. Sometimes it is easy. Sometimes I work hard at it.

When I find myself unwilling to forgive, I pray and meditate. I think about the benefits of opening my heart.

In challenging situations, I approach forgiveness gradually. I put myself in the other individual’s position to try to understand their actions. I wish them well even if I continue to disagree with their decision.

I distinguish between pardoning others and being a doormat. When I forgive someone for any trouble they may have caused me, I enable myself to transform our relationship. We may grow closer or we may move on to new situations that are better for both of us.

Today, I discover safety and freedom through forgiving myself and others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.    Who is one role model who shows me the power of forgiveness?
2.    What is one example of how I enhanced my own well being by forgiving someone?
3.    What does myl faith teach me about showing mercy?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I Find Beauty in all Circumstances

My life is filled with positive and beautiful experiences. I attract opulence with my mind. Beauty is part of my daily life.  

Beauty surrounds me while I enjoy nature. The animals, rivers, fields, and flowers are part of a gorgeous network of life. I take pleasure in seeing these places and animals. I attract the best parts of the world.

My home is my castle. I attract beautiful furniture, linens, and tableware, so my house is a stunning model of design. I fill my house with artwork from talented people who inspire me on a daily basis. I am aware of my surroundings and appreciate the details.

I find beauty in all circumstances. My drive to work is a good experience because I can see the beauty around me.

I attract loveliness while running errands. Each task is filled with beautiful people and buildings. My surroundings are lavish and grand. I notice the small touches others contribute to make the places more pleasing.

I notice beauty in my dreams. Even my unconscious mind produces splendid images for me to enjoy each night. I remember my dreams in the morning and appreciate them.

Today, I remind myself that I have the power to attract beauty. I enjoy finding magnificent people and places in my world. I am a part of an exquisite universe filled with incredible beings.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I plan to attract beauty at work?
2. How can I ensure I notice every beautiful detail of the world around me?
3. How can I help others see the beauty around them?

Sunday, August 30, 2015


I teach myself to be fearless.

Being fearless liberates me from the restrictions I place upon myself. My opportunities expand. My mind becomes peaceful. I accomplish more. Rather than wanting shelter from difficulties, I want the capacity to rise to any challenge.

I know that I create my own fears. That means I also have the power to extinguish them.
Greater understanding makes life less scary. I teach myself to let go of whatever is causing my distress. 

When I feel afraid, I bring my fears out into the open. Focusing on my breathing dispels my anxieties. My muscles relax and my thoughts are purified. 

I live in the moment and avoid anticipating everything that could go wrong. It is prudent to make plans for typical challenges, like traffic delays and bad weather. But it is also essential to realize that many events are beyond my control. 

I trust myself to handle whatever comes my way. Looking back on past adversities teaches me that I can triumph over challenging circumstances. I may find a better job after I get laid off from one position. I may learn to manage a chronic medical condition through simple lifestyle changes.
I face hardships head on. Taking prompt action teaches me that I am resilient. Finding solutions becomes my focus.

I acknowledge my feelings. I am gentle with myself when I feel uneasy. At the same time, I decide to move ahead anyway and fear shifts to the background.

Today, I show great courage. I confront my fears and watch them go away.

Self-Reflection Questions:

What do my greatest fears reveal about me?
How can I overcome habits that reinforce my fears?
How would being fearless change my life?

Monday, February 23, 2015

How to end a meditation

Are You Ever Confused About How To End Your Meditation Sessions?

Now that you’ve started meditating, you may be wondering how to end your sessions. The way you use those final moments can make your practice more beneficial.

Headaches are a common symptom for beginners who jump off the cushion to check their phones or watch TV. Moving slower and shifting your attention gradually will be less jarring. Experiment with these steps for your body and mind so you can develop a routine that works for you.

Steps to Take with Your Body:

Scan all over. Review your body from head to toe. Notice any spots where you might feel sore or stiff. Give your neck a gentle massage or relax your brow.
Adjust your clothing. The room may have grown warmer or cooler while you were absorbed in your thoughts. Add a layer or take one off as needed.
Move in increments. Start out by wiggling your fingers and toes and then circle your wrists and ankles. Stand up slowly. Walk around the room for a few minutes. This will give you a chance to warm up and raise your metabolism rate back up.
Stretch gently. Perform easy stretches. Bending forward at the waist helps to balance prolonged sitting. Rotate your neck from side to side. Extend one arm at a time across your body to stretch your shoulders.
Practice breathing. On days when you have a little extra time, you can remain seated a few moments longer for breathing exercises. Try easing anxiety with a few long exhalations that are about twice as long your inhalations.
Eat and drink. On a practical level, you may need water and food because it’s usually preferable to meditate on an empty stomach. Go whip up a smoothie or a vegetable frittata.
Steps to Take with Your Mind:

Give yourself notice. Silently tell yourself when you’re ready to wrap things up. Spend a few minutes reviewing your thoughts, connecting with your feelings, and taking note of any topics you want to explore another time.
Work on your timing. How do you know when your meditation time is over? You can decide in advance how long your session will be. On the other hand, you may want to continue meditating for as long as you can maintain your concentration. Start out with about 5 minutes and work your way up.
Express thanks. Appreciate all that your body and mind do for you. Let them know that you’re grateful for the opportunity to meditate so that you can work on your personal growth.
Say a prayer. If meditating is part of your faith tradition, you probably have closing prayers you use regularly. You can also repeat any word or phrase that you find inspirational.
Assign homework. Use your meditation sessions to develop a specific plan of action. If you meditate about putting forth more effort, resolve to clean the garage or go jogging each morning. Make your goals challenging, but feasible.
Dedicate your efforts. Think of how authors dedicate their books. Devote the progress you make each session to your children or to increasing your patience.
Prioritize your activities. Apply the insights you develop during meditation to the rest of your life. Limit distractions and fill your hours with activities that are meaningful for you.
Making a smooth transition out of meditation and back to your daily routine will help you to realize the full benefits of your sessions. You’ll deepen your awareness and enjoy greater peace of mind.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


A journal can serve as a wonderful tool for not only recording your life, but also for helping to find solutions to life’s challenges.

Many people view a journal as the same thing as a diary, but there is a fundamental difference. A diary is used to record external events in your life, but a journal is to record your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. The difference can be profound.

Consider these benefits of keeping a journal:

1.      A journal creates focus. Few of us really take the time to examine our lives. We commonly feel that we either don’t have the time, it won’t be beneficial, or it’s simply too uncomfortable. By regularly making an appointment with yourself to work with your journal, you can create the necessary focus to make positive changes in your life.

2.      A journal forces you to see the truth. We’re all amazing at fooling and distracting ourselves, but when the truth is right before our eyes in black and white, there’s no place to hide.

3.      A journal releases stress. There’s something cathartic about getting your thoughts on paper. Reducing your stress also creates a more effective state of mind for solving challenges.

4.      A journal provides a means of measuring progress and growth. Have you ever seen a friend’s child and noticed how much they’ve grown? You wouldn’t notice the growth if you saw that child every day. Our own personal growth is similar.

·        Small changes aren’t noticed when you’re exposed to them daily. A journal provides a way of looking back and seeing just how far you’ve come.

Use your journal to solve challenges:

1.      Record your thoughts about the challenges you’re facing. Find a quiet place. What is the fundamental issue? How does it make you feel? How would your life improve if you were able to get this challenge fully under control?

2.      Keep a list of possible solutions. Over the course of several days, your mind can provide dozens of possible solutions. Record them for future reference. Avoid being judgmental. Simply record the ideas that pop into your head.

3.      Develop an action plan. Eventually, one idea will stand above the rest. If you find yourself torn between multiple options, do whatever it takes to make a decision. Even flipping a coin is better than remaining indecisive.

·        Start your action plan with small steps that are simple and easy to accomplish. A little momentum can be invaluable.

4.      Record your progress. Record the actions that you took each day to overcome the obstacle in your life. Also record your thoughts and feelings about your progress. If you can make yourself feel good about the process, success is much more likely.

·        Acknowledge improvement, no matter how small.

5.      Look for dissonance. Everyone is self-sabotaging to varying degrees. Record your thoughts and behaviors that are creating resistance to your progress. For example, if you need to lose 25 pounds but you’re eating ice cream every day, that’s a behavior that’s not supporting your goal.

·        Create a list of solutions for dealing with your counterproductive habits.

6.      Make journaling a daily habit. It’s easy to let things slip through the cracks and create even bigger challenges if you don’t write in your journal each day. Take advantage of this easy way to keep your life moving forward in a way that pleases you.

A journal can be an effective way to create positive change in your life. Even if you’re skeptical, give journaling a try for a few months and measure the improvement in your life. With regular effort, you’re certain to reap many positive rewards.