Sunday, December 7, 2014

Find Your Joy at Work


Despite what anyone tells you, it's rare to love a job! Your work can come with its own challenges, even though it helps to sustain you throughout life. And sometimes those challenges seem to pull the joy out of you. But you can change all that!


You can get more joy out of your job and return to having a positive career. By making a conscious effort, you'll soon start to view your job differently.


Try these strategies to find more joy at work:


1.      Treat yourself for achieving goals. You probably find yourself dragging through day to day tasks. As they come up, you groan and unwillingly start to tackle them. But how different would it be if you start to treat yourself for completing tasks? Much different for sure!

·        As you move through one task at a time, take a few moments of downtime for yourself. That may mean walking away from your desk or playing a few rounds of solitaire. Whatever it is, treat yourself to something you like.

·        Bear in mind that it can become more of a crutch if it's overdone. Be conscious enough to characterize tasks well. Answering a ringing phone isn’t a task!

2.      Choose to be positive. Human beings are the only creatures with the power of choice. If you use that power to encourage positive thinking, your job can seem more bearable.

·        Each morning, express thanks for waking up to a new day. Truly be grateful for that opportunity and recognize it as a blessing. Focus on that blessing throughout your day at work. It's unlikely that you'll take your job for granted.

·        Each unpleasant task at work has some positive element to it. Consider the fact that each task you do gives you more work experience. Later on, you can use that experience to land the job of your dreams!

3.      Focus on success. Just like many other things in life, time is best spent focusing on where you want to go. For everything you do at work, your aim is to complete it, and do it well. Try the approach of focusing on the successful end result instead of the journey.

·        Consider how well your next evaluation is bound to look if you are successful in everything you do. The thought of positive recognition is enough to give you some amount of joy.

·        Forget the fact that it's not your dream job. Make it the job that you knocked out the park. Make it the stepping stone to a job more aligned with your professional desires.

4.      Become a mentor. Sometimes experiencing work blues is worth it when you impart knowledge to someone else. Is there an intern at your office? Or do you know someone else in need of professional guidance? Why not become their mentor?

·        Helping someone else succeed can bring you satisfaction. What you're gaining through daily experience can make a positive change in someone else's life. Knowing that is victory in itself!

It's difficult to find scenarios that always work in your favor. A lot of times, you're left doing the best with what you have. But that isn’t such a bad concept if you make an effort to find the joy in what you do.


Make today the day that you find joy in your job!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Take a Break

Oh, how trying the stresses of life can be! Having situations that affect your peace of mind can be challenging. And sometimes you feel like you've gotten way more than you can handle. Yet still, you find a way to keep going.

It's great when you can find the determination to keep going. But are you doing so to your own detriment? Perhaps the way you're responding isn’t always the best.

Coping mechanisms help to keep you in the game. But after a while, you may end up crashing. The most beneficial approach involves using well thought-out strategies to keep you in control.

Try this process to respond to an especially challenging situation:

1.      Stop in your tracks. If you feel overwhelmed now, it’s likely to get even worse if you keep going the way you are now! Stop right where you are and accept the situation for what it is.

·        Look back at what has happened up until this point in time. Can you identify the reasons behind your downfall? Make a note of them.

2.      Embrace your shortcomings. Do you have shortcomings that prevented you from staying on top of things? Be honest with yourself when trying to identify them. It's the only way you'll be able to move on to resolving the situation.

·        Whatever you've identified as your shortcomings, accept and embrace them. It's pointless allowing them to bring your mood down. You're already overwhelmed. The last thing you need to do is put yourself down.

3.      Avoid excuses. Even though you feel overwhelmed, the last thing you want to do is blame it on something or somebody else. Avoid overlooking yourself as the main factor behind your current situation.

·        It's easy in stressful situations to refuse accountability. Just the tension alone is enough to drive your mind in crazy directions. Just accept it for what it is, even if it means coming face to face with your shortcomings.

4.      Open up to others. Share your feelings with someone you can confide in. Simply sharing can often help to ease some of the stress off your shoulders.

·        Tell the whole story. Allow the person to understand your highs and lows. Let them see how your strengths got you this far. But also share what you think you could have done differently.

5.      Organize an approach. Now that you've offloaded, you'll have a clearer mind to organize an approach. You've stopped at this point for a reason. Now’s your chance to change direction and pull yourself out of this rut.

·        Now that you've figured out what went wrong, try to tackle those things first. You'll want to prevent those things from happening again.

6.      Surround yourself with positive people. It's sometimes difficult to take on challenges on your own. As much as you hate to admit it, there are others better at some things than you are! Embrace them and get the support you need to manage stressful situations.

·        Use the strengths of trustworthy people to get you over the hump. Be clear about the role you want them to play. Handing over responsibility can be tough. But be mature enough to understand that it doesn’t take away from your own abilities.

Being in over your head isn’t a death sentence. In fact, it's a perfect opportunity to be creative in your approach. Once you identify an effective approach, you can expect to handle situations more confidently.

Give yourself the chance to be in control. With positive strategies, you'll be able to take matters into your own hands and turn them around in no time!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving Crafts

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday! What a spiritual renewal to take a day to reflect over the past year about just how good God has been to you and your family, to give you harvest and shelter, health and hope. To get the most out of this joyous occasion, make some holiday crafts with your children. These days, Thanksgiving often gets squeezed out by Hallowe’en’s spooky decorations and the lights and gala of Christmas. With the following holiday crafts, your home can be decorated for this quieter but important celebration.

Turkeys are a natural choice for decorations. A familiar project at this time of year is for a child to trace around her hand and make the resulting drawing into a turkey. The thumb is the head and the fingers are the tail feathers all displayed. While many of the turkeys that are raised for food are now the domestic white variety, the turkeys eaten by the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving were the wild brown ones. The tail feathers on a wild turkey are brown, but they are iridescent. catching light and appearing to be multi-colored. This is why children color the tail feathers in bright colors.

The turkey’s head has a wattle under the beak. This is a vertical flap of loose skin that is red colored. Be sure to draw this in order to make the hand turkey look like a turkey. Add skinny legs and bird feet. When done, the children can cut out the turkeys and hang them on the wall. It’s really cute to make a whole flock of these turkeys in the sizes of all the hands in the family. The little hand shapes are particularly sweet.

Another nice turkey decoration to make when making Thanksgiving holiday crafts is a turkey door decoration. Make a brown construction paper body and head of a turkey. Now make a large number of colored feather shapes. Each family member writes on a feather something he or she is thankful for before attaching as part of the turkey’s tail. Repeat until all the feathers are used, and hang the turkey on the front door to greet visitors with a message of gratitude. Make a sign to accompany the turkey that says “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!” or simply “Be thankful!” or “We’re thankful for you!” or whatever you like.

Children love making construction paper chains. To further decorate the house for Thanksgiving, let them make a paper chain in fall colors as one of their holiday crafts. Using 9 by 12 inch construction paper, cut the paper in half across the long side and cut the halves into one inch thick six inch long strips. Use a stapler to attach the ends of the strip into a circle. Loop the next strip into the circle and staple it. Continue the process alternating colors of brown, red, yellow, and orange. When the chains are long, you can drap them along the ceiling or stair rail. If you don’t make the door turkey, the children can write something they’re thankful for on each strip of paper before adding it to the chain.

Thanksgiving is too nice a holiday to let the other more commercial holidays crowd it out. By making holiday crafts to decorate the home for Thanksgiving, you can keep this day special, too. The extended family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc., will be pleased to see the holiday crafts the young ones have made to decorate the house and make it cheerful for their visit.

Friday, November 14, 2014

9 Steps to Living a Better Life

9 Secrets to Living a Meaningful Life

The hustle and bustle of daily life can sweep us away from what really means the most to us. It’s up to each of us to figure out how to live a personally fulfilling life. Although much of your life is shared with others, you can still carve out your own space for a rich, meaningful life.

Take action now to live a life that you love:

  1. Clarify what matters to you. How you spend your time largely determines what’s important to you. If you say your family is at the top of your list, do you spend the bulk of your spare time with them? When you know for sure who and what matters most to you, then that’s where you want to focus your time and energy.
  2. Stay in the moment. If you’re planting flowers, think about packing the earth well and digging the hole deeply enough. Remind yourself to water them immediately afterward. Regardless of what you’re involved in, keep your mind focused.
  • Even when you’re washing the pots and pans, you can concentrate on having nice, hot water and shining the outside of the pans the way you like them.
  1. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Do your words carry importance and honesty, along with kindness and care? Avoid mincing words. Get to the point, but remember to take the other person’s feelings into consideration. When your discussions contain subjects of interest and heartfelt feelings, it’s meaningful for you and the listener.
  2. Find your passion. What gets you interested, excited, or fascinated? Has there ever been a topic that you think about all day long to the point where you can hardly stand it? If so, follow your passion. Make it an important part of your life as often as you can.
  • If it’s golf, play it as often as you can. If your passion is working with children, then pursue it, whether it’s through working at a nursery school, becoming a school teacher, or serving as the neighborhood babysitter. Make it happen.
  1. Worry less about what others think. Pay more attention to what you think. If someone isn’t a relevant player in your personal life, then what they believe about you is irrelevant. What you believe about yourself is what matters.

  • Use your emotional fortitude in ways that make your life better. Ensure that your opinion of yourself is great!
  1. Instead of complaining, accept the situation or take action. If what you’re upset about is out of your control, it might be time to just accept it. However, if it’s something that’s within your power to change, take action. Complaining is a waste of your precious time. Focus on problem-solving instead.
  2. Accept responsibility for your life. If you’re unhappy, there’s no reason to blame your parents, spouse, or boss. Step up and make some decisions to alter what troubles you.

  • You are the captain of your own ship. Figure out the course you want to take and then stay on it.
  1. Refuse to criticize. Focus on assessing your own life instead. Notice the good qualities in others. Making positive changes in yourself is where your power lies.
  2. Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi, a great man of peace, first said this quote. Make a difference in your own life and the lives of others. You’ll absolutely love yourself for it. Others will love what you’re doing, too. Volunteer. Join a club. Get involved!

An enriching life is here for the taking. When your focus is clear, you can then expend your energy on the people and things that matter in your life. Isn't it time to begin the journey toward a life filled with positivity and meaning? You deserve it!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Path to Respect

The Complete Guide to Giving and Getting Respect


Respect makes our relationships run more smoothly. Feeling appreciated puts us at ease and helps us to bond more closely. We share a sincere regard for each other. We know that our welfare matters, and we treat each other with courtesy and fairness.


Fortunately, our actions can help us to gain more respect. Giving and getting respect amount to much the same thing. The more you give, the more you’re likely to receive in return.


These suggestions can help you enjoy more respect from others and feel more valued.


Giving Respect to Others


1.      Focus on your motivation. Know that being respectful is worthwhile in itself regardless of how others respond. All creatures possess great value. You’re correct whenever you honor them. Your example may inspire them to do the same.

2.      Listen attentively. Respect begins when we understand each other. Pay close attention to what people say and do. Concentrate on the other person’s message rather than preparing your response. Take turns talking.

3.      Count your blessings. It’s easier to think well of people when you remember all the services they provide for you. Spend a few minutes reflecting on all you get from others.

4.      Accommodate others. Try to make joint decisions about family vacations or dividing up assignments at work. Take everyone’s needs into consideration. Give their suggestions a chance to succeed.

5.      Repair conflicts. You’re bound to run into disagreements sometimes. Face them head on. Negotiate in good faith. Apologize for your part in the situation and aim for an agreement that is fair to all the parties involved.

6.      Evaluate your closest relationships. Respect often matters most when it comes to our spouse, children, and other loved ones. Step back so you can recognize their autonomy.


Getting Respect from Others


1.      Honor your commitments. Keep your word. It’s better to avoid telling a client that their kitchen will be completed in a month if you know it often takes 60 days or more.

2.      Think before speaking. Do your research before you comment on a subject. Ask yourself if you’re adding anything valuable to a discussion. Imagine how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of your own feedback and choose your words accordingly.

3.      Communicate directly. Being straightforward sometimes requires courage, but the rewards are worth it. Ask for what you need. Extend the same opportunity to others.

4.      Learn to say no. Turn down requests graciously if you believe they are unreasonable or you have other commitments. Making the best use of your time is shrewd, not selfish.

5.      Decline being taken for granted. If your generosity seems wasted, you may be right. Be selective about how you give away your time, money, and other resources. Support charities that welcome your offer to volunteer. Exchange hospitality with friends who invite you back.

6.      Acknowledge your rights. As much as possible, give because you want to rather than out of a feeling of obligation or a desire to please others. The results will be much more consistent and satisfying.

7.      Recognize your power. We all have immense power in the sense that we can use our abilities to actually make the world a better place. Let your influence brighten someone else’s day by showing them that you recognize their dignity and worth.

If you sometimes feel like respect is lacking in modern society, try offering more of it. Everyone is worthy of respect, and your efforts to respect others will enhance your own life.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Letting Go of Ego


It’s not always easy to tell if our choices are coming from the right place. However, if you follow your intuition, your life is likely to be enjoyable and meaningful. Follow your ego and you might be successful in many ways, but you’re likely to find yourself wondering why you’re not as happy as you think you should be.

Learning to determine whether you’re being guided by intuition or ego can make a huge difference in your life. While there are no hard and fast rules to make the distinction, there are tendencies that can serve as a guide.


Consider these differences:


1.      Ego-based decisions are grounded in fear and self-preservation. If you decide to go to medical school because it will bring you financial security, that’s ego. If you decide to not ask out the beautiful woman that lives on the corner because you're afraid, that’s ego.

2.      Ego-based decisions typically have emotion connected to them. A choice made from a place of intuition just feels “right” and often comes out of left field. You might be mowing the grass and be hit with the idea of becoming a dog breeder. If you starting arguing with yourself, and telling yourself it's a terrible idea, that's ego fighting back. 

3.      Ego-based decisions consider external results. Are you writing a book in order to have a bestseller, or are you writing a book because you’re fascinated with the idea of writing a book? Are you taking an action to gain certain results, or does the action itself provide sufficient satisfaction?

4.      Ego-based decisions involve rationalization. Your ego is wonderful at convincing you that its choice is the right one. “I’ll never get that job. Imagine how disappointed I’ll feel when it doesn’t work out. People like me are destined to only be supervisors, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I can still have a decent life.”

·        It’s really just a rationalization based on fear – fear of success or fear of failure.

·        The ego tries to justify itself with facts, figures, and logic. Intuition doesn’t require these tricks to compel you. If you’re using logic to convince yourself of a course of action, you can bet that’s your ego squawking.

 5.      Intuition doesn’t judge. A thought or decision arising from intuition doesn’t involve judgment statements about right or wrong, good or bad. Intuitive thoughts feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful. Intuitive decisions. feel right on a universal level.

6.      Is the expected gratification coming from interal forces or is it external forces. Would you make the same choice if no one would ever know? Would you purchase that BMW if no one ever knew you owned it? Or do you simply love German automobiles and love the idea of owning that type of car? Are you driven by money and admiration or by personal satisfaction?

While the ego can be very limiting, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s wrong. Remember that the ego’s motivation is largely based on self-preservation. Your ego believes that it has your best interests at heart. Ignoring the ego can be challenging. It uses fear to influence you. It’s only natural to avoid fear and seek comfort.

The trick is to realize when fear is holding you back from something bigger and better. Sometimes fear is keeping you from doing something foolish. Think before choosing which voice to follow: use these tips to help you make a decision that will bring you true happiness.

Monday, August 11, 2014

5 Ways to Have More Blessings

5 Great Ways to Make Room for New Blessings in Your Life


Does it sometimes feel like life's blessings are passing you by? Do you feel left out? 

It's easy to feel a little cheated when you look at how much your friends and family members have.

Their happiness seems to know no bounds. And every venture they undertake always yields success.
Some people seem to kmow how to make success look easy.

You deserve all those blessings too. And you're more than able to get them. All it takes is a litle knowledge of how to make room for them in your life, and practice.

Once you get into the habit of using these tips, you can expect to see things turn around in your life: 

1.      Let go of grudges. One of the easiest ways to prevent yourself from receiving blessings is to hold on to grudges. Avoiding forgiveness only clouds your heart with negative energy. Pretty soon, even the blessings in your life seem like burdens to you.

·        Give it a try. Make an honest attempt at forgiving your co-worker for painting you in a bad light. As hard as it is, you'll instantly feel lighter when you allow yourself to forgive.

·        If an issue is beyond resolution, make up your mind to take the high road. Agree to disagree and move on to better things.

2.      Be kind to others. You can always rely on the fact that kindness to others results in kindness coming back. What you throw out to those around you has a funny way of returning! Make every effort to be kind today.

·        There are many opportunities to be kind each day. How about that beggar on the corner? Avoid holding your head straight when you pass. Smile and say good morning as you hand him a few bucks.

·        Commit to only saying kind words about others today. Let this apply to even the people who have offended you.

3.      Acknowledge small blessings. Sure, you have your mind set on great blessings. But have you taken the time to express gratitude for the small ones? Even though they're small, they're valuable. Avoid overlooking them if you want to continue receiving them!

·        Being able to see the sunrise each day is a blessing in itself! Consider that many people cannot enjoy that luxury.

4.      Work at maximum effort. Everything you are tasked to do is worth doing well. The onus is on you to produce the best quality work you can. And it's also your responsibility to put in maximum effort. The rewards are sure to come when you do.

·        Ignore the fact that there hasn’t been a pay increase for the last 6 months. Keep working anyway. When you got the job, you committed to performing at a certain standard.

·        Stick to your commitment. You'll be rewarded with awesome blessings at the right time.

5.      Get rid of baggage. Baggage can come in the form of sadness or depression. Perhaps you just left an unhealthy relationship. Or you're at odds with your oldest friend. Whatever it is, let it go so you can focus on being a happier, healthier you.

·        Wallowing in sadness may feel good now. But consider how it's affecting your ability to see great opportunities.

·        If all you can see is darkness, you'll likely only receive negativity in your life. Free yourself of the weight of baggage.


As you allow yourself to implement these changes, you can expect wonderful blessings to flow. Take the time to build your pool of blessings. You have the key to open the door to the best that life has in store!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Letting Go Of Excusses

Now that the new year is upon us, some of us will be making New Years resolutions. Many will fail to complete them. Why? Because some of us have an excuse  for everything. the reason is though we like the idea of change, change scares us. Sometimes it takes a really big event to motivate us to change. 

So, if you really want o make some changed in the new year, first make a commitment to  yourself to stick with it. Make some real goals. Write them down, and date them. We will talk more on this in coming posts. 

Now let's look at some of the excuses we make..


Everyone wants to have a beach body, but no one wants to diet or workout. Being successful isn’t automatic. It requires concentrated effort and action.


Many of us have a series of excuses that we can pull out of a hat at a moment’s notice. There’s always one that seems to fit the bill perfectly. This is done largely to protect ourselves and to justify our current circumstances.


Are any of these excuses holding you back from success?


1.      “I don’t know how.” This common excuse gives you permission to not even try. However, this excuse simply doesn’t hold water. At no time in the history of mankind has there been so much information available. Want to start a charity? There are hundreds of books on the subject. Need to lose 100 lbs? There are thousands of resources available.

·        One of the best ways to figure out how to do something is to find a qualified mentor. Another effective option is to simply try and then adjust your approach based on your results.

2.      “I’m afraid.” This is perhaps the most socially acceptable answer. Who hasn’t been afraid? But there is very little to legitimately fear in our modern times. In most circumstances, you’re not in danger of being eaten by a lion or falling off a cliff.


·        Most of our fears are socially based and have no real consequences. Being afraid isn’t a valid excuse 99% of the time.


·        Would you rather be successful or protect your ego?

3.      “I don’t have enough time.” Do you really believe this? Nearly all of us waste time on activities that provide no real value, including watching TV, internet surfing, and a host of other time wasters.


·        You know in your heart you could make the time for something that was truly important to you.

4.      “I don’t have enough money.” This is another common excuse, but there is usually a way to work around a lack of financial resources. For example, if you’d like to learn to play the piano but can’t afford one, you could:


·        Find a free piano on Craigslist

·        Pick up an inexpensive digital piano in a pawnshop

·        Ask a local church or school to use their piano after hours

·        Locate a piano you can use at your local college

5.      “It’s too late for me.” It’s too late? A person climbed Mount Everest in his 80’s. People have gone back to medical school in their 60’s. What would you like to do?


·        Getting a late start might be less convenient and more challenging, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It means that you’ll only take on the challenges that are really important to you. That could be a good thing.

·        To be fair, there are a few things that require an earlier start than others. You’re not likely to play in the NBA if you take up basketball in your 30’s. But you could be a coach or work in the front office.

6.      “It’s too hard.” Some endeavors are certainly more competitive than others. But claiming that something is “too hard” is really just another way of admitting that you’re afraid.


·        The truth is that people with limited resources and talent can still be extremely successful.

·        We tend to imagine the competition is much tougher than it really is. The average person doesn’t have a lot of control over himself. He’s not truly committed. Those with motivation and stamina are really the ones who succeed.


People that are successful on a regular basis tend to have the fewest excuses. How could it be any other way?


Those with excuses are able to justify not taking action. However, no action equals no results. So put aside your excuses and go after what you truly want. You’ll be glad you did!