Sunday, August 17, 2014

Letting Go of Ego


It’s not always easy to tell if our choices are coming from the right place. However, if you follow your intuition, your life is likely to be enjoyable and meaningful. Follow your ego and you might be successful in many ways, but you’re likely to find yourself wondering why you’re not as happy as you think you should be.

Learning to determine whether you’re being guided by intuition or ego can make a huge difference in your life. While there are no hard and fast rules to make the distinction, there are tendencies that can serve as a guide.


Consider these differences:


1.      Ego-based decisions are grounded in fear and self-preservation. If you decide to go to medical school because it will bring you financial security, that’s ego. If you decide to not ask out the beautiful woman that lives on the corner because you're afraid, that’s ego.

2.      Ego-based decisions typically have emotion connected to them. A choice made from a place of intuition just feels “right” and often comes out of left field. You might be mowing the grass and be hit with the idea of becoming a dog breeder. If you starting arguing with yourself, and telling yourself it's a terrible idea, that's ego fighting back. 

3.      Ego-based decisions consider external results. Are you writing a book in order to have a bestseller, or are you writing a book because you’re fascinated with the idea of writing a book? Are you taking an action to gain certain results, or does the action itself provide sufficient satisfaction?

4.      Ego-based decisions involve rationalization. Your ego is wonderful at convincing you that its choice is the right one. “I’ll never get that job. Imagine how disappointed I’ll feel when it doesn’t work out. People like me are destined to only be supervisors, but there’s nothing wrong with that. I can still have a decent life.”

·        It’s really just a rationalization based on fear – fear of success or fear of failure.

·        The ego tries to justify itself with facts, figures, and logic. Intuition doesn’t require these tricks to compel you. If you’re using logic to convince yourself of a course of action, you can bet that’s your ego squawking.

 5.      Intuition doesn’t judge. A thought or decision arising from intuition doesn’t involve judgment statements about right or wrong, good or bad. Intuitive thoughts feel calm, relaxed, and peaceful. Intuitive decisions. feel right on a universal level.

6.      Is the expected gratification coming from interal forces or is it external forces. Would you make the same choice if no one would ever know? Would you purchase that BMW if no one ever knew you owned it? Or do you simply love German automobiles and love the idea of owning that type of car? Are you driven by money and admiration or by personal satisfaction?

While the ego can be very limiting, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s wrong. Remember that the ego’s motivation is largely based on self-preservation. Your ego believes that it has your best interests at heart. Ignoring the ego can be challenging. It uses fear to influence you. It’s only natural to avoid fear and seek comfort.

The trick is to realize when fear is holding you back from something bigger and better. Sometimes fear is keeping you from doing something foolish. Think before choosing which voice to follow: use these tips to help you make a decision that will bring you true happiness.

Monday, August 11, 2014

5 Ways to Have More Blessings

5 Great Ways to Make Room for New Blessings in Your Life


Does it sometimes feel like life's blessings are passing you by? Do you feel left out? 

It's easy to feel a little cheated when you look at how much your friends and family members have.

Their happiness seems to know no bounds. And every venture they undertake always yields success.
Some people seem to kmow how to make success look easy.

You deserve all those blessings too. And you're more than able to get them. All it takes is a litle knowledge of how to make room for them in your life, and practice.

Once you get into the habit of using these tips, you can expect to see things turn around in your life: 

1.      Let go of grudges. One of the easiest ways to prevent yourself from receiving blessings is to hold on to grudges. Avoiding forgiveness only clouds your heart with negative energy. Pretty soon, even the blessings in your life seem like burdens to you.

·        Give it a try. Make an honest attempt at forgiving your co-worker for painting you in a bad light. As hard as it is, you'll instantly feel lighter when you allow yourself to forgive.

·        If an issue is beyond resolution, make up your mind to take the high road. Agree to disagree and move on to better things.

2.      Be kind to others. You can always rely on the fact that kindness to others results in kindness coming back. What you throw out to those around you has a funny way of returning! Make every effort to be kind today.

·        There are many opportunities to be kind each day. How about that beggar on the corner? Avoid holding your head straight when you pass. Smile and say good morning as you hand him a few bucks.

·        Commit to only saying kind words about others today. Let this apply to even the people who have offended you.

3.      Acknowledge small blessings. Sure, you have your mind set on great blessings. But have you taken the time to express gratitude for the small ones? Even though they're small, they're valuable. Avoid overlooking them if you want to continue receiving them!

·        Being able to see the sunrise each day is a blessing in itself! Consider that many people cannot enjoy that luxury.

4.      Work at maximum effort. Everything you are tasked to do is worth doing well. The onus is on you to produce the best quality work you can. And it's also your responsibility to put in maximum effort. The rewards are sure to come when you do.

·        Ignore the fact that there hasn’t been a pay increase for the last 6 months. Keep working anyway. When you got the job, you committed to performing at a certain standard.

·        Stick to your commitment. You'll be rewarded with awesome blessings at the right time.

5.      Get rid of baggage. Baggage can come in the form of sadness or depression. Perhaps you just left an unhealthy relationship. Or you're at odds with your oldest friend. Whatever it is, let it go so you can focus on being a happier, healthier you.

·        Wallowing in sadness may feel good now. But consider how it's affecting your ability to see great opportunities.

·        If all you can see is darkness, you'll likely only receive negativity in your life. Free yourself of the weight of baggage.


As you allow yourself to implement these changes, you can expect wonderful blessings to flow. Take the time to build your pool of blessings. You have the key to open the door to the best that life has in store!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Letting Go Of Excusses

Now that the new year is upon us, some of us will be making New Years resolutions. Many will fail to complete them. Why? Because some of us have an excuse  for everything. the reason is though we like the idea of change, change scares us. Sometimes it takes a really big event to motivate us to change. 

So, if you really want o make some changed in the new year, first make a commitment to  yourself to stick with it. Make some real goals. Write them down, and date them. We will talk more on this in coming posts. 

Now let's look at some of the excuses we make..


Everyone wants to have a beach body, but no one wants to diet or workout. Being successful isn’t automatic. It requires concentrated effort and action.


Many of us have a series of excuses that we can pull out of a hat at a moment’s notice. There’s always one that seems to fit the bill perfectly. This is done largely to protect ourselves and to justify our current circumstances.


Are any of these excuses holding you back from success?


1.      “I don’t know how.” This common excuse gives you permission to not even try. However, this excuse simply doesn’t hold water. At no time in the history of mankind has there been so much information available. Want to start a charity? There are hundreds of books on the subject. Need to lose 100 lbs? There are thousands of resources available.

·        One of the best ways to figure out how to do something is to find a qualified mentor. Another effective option is to simply try and then adjust your approach based on your results.

2.      “I’m afraid.” This is perhaps the most socially acceptable answer. Who hasn’t been afraid? But there is very little to legitimately fear in our modern times. In most circumstances, you’re not in danger of being eaten by a lion or falling off a cliff.


·        Most of our fears are socially based and have no real consequences. Being afraid isn’t a valid excuse 99% of the time.


·        Would you rather be successful or protect your ego?

3.      “I don’t have enough time.” Do you really believe this? Nearly all of us waste time on activities that provide no real value, including watching TV, internet surfing, and a host of other time wasters.


·        You know in your heart you could make the time for something that was truly important to you.

4.      “I don’t have enough money.” This is another common excuse, but there is usually a way to work around a lack of financial resources. For example, if you’d like to learn to play the piano but can’t afford one, you could:


·        Find a free piano on Craigslist

·        Pick up an inexpensive digital piano in a pawnshop

·        Ask a local church or school to use their piano after hours

·        Locate a piano you can use at your local college

5.      “It’s too late for me.” It’s too late? A person climbed Mount Everest in his 80’s. People have gone back to medical school in their 60’s. What would you like to do?


·        Getting a late start might be less convenient and more challenging, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It means that you’ll only take on the challenges that are really important to you. That could be a good thing.

·        To be fair, there are a few things that require an earlier start than others. You’re not likely to play in the NBA if you take up basketball in your 30’s. But you could be a coach or work in the front office.

6.      “It’s too hard.” Some endeavors are certainly more competitive than others. But claiming that something is “too hard” is really just another way of admitting that you’re afraid.


·        The truth is that people with limited resources and talent can still be extremely successful.

·        We tend to imagine the competition is much tougher than it really is. The average person doesn’t have a lot of control over himself. He’s not truly committed. Those with motivation and stamina are really the ones who succeed.


People that are successful on a regular basis tend to have the fewest excuses. How could it be any other way?


Those with excuses are able to justify not taking action. However, no action equals no results. So put aside your excuses and go after what you truly want. You’ll be glad you did!

Mood Food


Are you feeling as chipper as you’d like? When negative feelings have taken hold of you, you might have tried adjusting sleeping patterns and ramping up workouts to combat their ill effects. However, it’s likely that they didn’t fully adjust your mood.


That's probably because you overlooked one major factor. How and what you eat can have a significant impact on your mood each day. And while you're busy eating high-sugar foods to "comfort" yourself, you're doing more harm than good.


Adjusting from a cranky mood to a cheerful one is actually more about what you feed your body than anything else. By making wise, healthy food choices, you can expect your mood to improve almost immediately.


Use these food strategies to uplift you and heighten your positive feelings:


1.      Cut the sugar. Be warned. Sugar is the enemy of stable, positive moods! You'll almost always get a rush from a sugar binge. But you can almost always expect the crash that comes when it hits your blood stream, too!

·        Sugar sometimes helps when there are other factors affecting your energy level. But avoid turning to it as your source of energy.

·        Remember that sugary foods have other negative effects apart from the crash. Excess sugar is stored in your body and puts you at risk for weight gain, skin reactions, and even diabetes.

2.      Increase intake of nutrient-rich foods. While many nutrient-rich foods might not be as "exciting" as sugar, they're better for you. They help your bodily functions perform optimally and actually elevate your mood.

·        Folate, thiamine, and magnesium are believed to heighten your mood. Research has shown that these minerals positively impact those with depression.

·        Although you may not be suffering from depression, you can likely expect the minerals to work wonders for your mood over time.

·        Choose foods like lentils, leafy greens, pistachios, and pumpkin seeds as great sources of these minerals.

3.      Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Try breaking your arsenal of healthy foods into smaller meals. It might take more effort to have five meals instead of three, but your results will make your effort worthwhile.

·        Larger meals are harder for your body to process. Your metabolism slows down after consumption of a large meal. As a result, you'll likely feel sluggish.

·        Sluggishness doesn’t always lead to a bad mood. But lacking the energy to be productive can result in a negative outcome. That can, in turn, affect your mood!

4.      Stay hydrated. You've heard lots of stories about water doing wonders for your body. But you probably didn’t know that lack of it affects your mood. Believe it or not, water may be the key to addressing that lingering bad mood you've been in.

·        Neglecting to stay hydrated daily can lead to uncomfortable side effects. In most cases, a mildly dehydrated person experiences headaches, fatigue, tension, and anxiety.

·        These things definitely affect your mood, and you'll quickly become the person nobody wants to be around!

·        Dehydration also impacts concentration, reasoning, and alertness. It's very easy to get frustrated with yourself when you're far from being on the ball.


It's always important to consider the impact of diet. Remember that your body performs in accordance with what you give it. Give it a healthy selection of foods so it has the best chance to keep you in a positive state of mind!

How Giving Leads to More Happiness


Being generous makes us happier when it includes a social dimension. Our best experiences come from giving to people we know and having the opportunity to enjoy doing things together.


That’s the conclusion from recent studies about the emotional impact of charitable donations. The rewards have more to do with the way we give rather than the size of our donations. We feel better when we have direct contact with the recipients rather than mailing a check or using a website. A similar dynamic occurs when we volunteer.


You may already believe that it’s better to give than receive. Now, you can use this knowledge to make giving even better by maximizing the social connections.

Giving to People You Know


1.      Nurture your loved ones. Start with your family and close friends. Hand out sincere compliments. Celebrate their victories. Surprise them by cooking their favorite dinner or taking out the garbage even when it is someone else’s turn.

2.      Reach out to your neighbors. Keep an eye out for newcomers. Invite them over for coffee and cake. Bring over a batch of homemade cookies or fresh herbs from your garden. Share leads on where to find the best dry cleaner and lawn service.

3.      Support local charities. Research organizations that are doing good work in your own neighborhood. Visit a local animal shelter or after school program. Ask them what resources they need most.

4.      Practice random acts of kindness. Brighten the day for a stranger. Leave a generous tip at the ice cream parlor. Carry an extra pen you can give away when needed. Let someone with fewer items get ahead of you in line at the grocery store.

5.      Pick up the tab. Instead of handing out gift certificates, invite people to join you for coffee or a movie. You’ll spread more cheer and have a chance to get to know people better.

6.      Write thank you letters. We all like to receive recognition. Present a heartfelt message to anyone who does something nice for you. Face to face contact will make your appreciation more vivid than if you send an email.

7.      Develop pure intentions. Prevent disappointments by giving without any expectation of returns. Take pleasure in your own good deeds.

Doing Charitable Activities Together


1.      Volunteer as a group. Bring your family and friends along for community service work. Browse online clearinghouses where you can find group projects.

2.      Travel to new places. Incorporate meaningful work into your vacations. Extend your network and pick up new skills.

3.      Serve on boards. Ask about vacancies on the boards of organizations where you volunteer. It’s a great way to demonstrate your capacity for leadership, work on your communication skills, and even enhance your résumé.

4.      Coordinate a workplace campaign. Ask for suggestions about what causes your colleagues want to support. Organize a fundraiser where people can relax and mingle like a pancake breakfast or talent contest.

5.      Join a club. Check out the relevant committees at the local chapter of your professional association. Propose a special project to your book club or running group.

6.      Perpetuate the cycle. Studies also show that people are more likely to keep giving when social interactions make their first experience rewarding. You’ll be welcoming more accomplishments and joy into your future.

Philanthropy enriches our lives and strengthens our communities. Reach out to others while you support causes you care about. You’ll have a more positive impact on the world and enjoy greater satisfaction.



Would you ever wear red sneakers to the office? A recent study found that dressing down can sometimes help people get ahead. It also raises larger questions about how conformity affects our wellbeing.


Harvard researchers conducted a number of experiments to see if violating the dress code could make people seem more prestigious. It worked. Students assumed that a consultant who wore red shoes while teaching a business seminar probably charged higher fees and had more upscale clients.


Keep in mind that this is only effective if people think you’re acting deliberately, and you’re in a setting like an Ivy League school that suggests you have significant clout.


On the other hand, conformity is an issue that comes up everywhere you go. Consider how being a little unconventional could bring you more happiness and success.

Being Unconventional in General


1.      Think for yourself. To keep things running smoothly in the workplace or anywhere you interact with others, you may want to adapt your conduct but hold onto your beliefs. You can fill out lengthy forms for office supplies until others are ready to simplify the process.

2.      Celebrate diversity. The disadvantages of conformity can be minimized by being inclusive and respectful of others. Wish the best for people even if they make different choices than you.

3.      Take risks. Dare to innovate. Mistakes provide valuable learning opportunities. Be the first to try a new time management app or propose an unusual marketing approach.

4.      Practice active listening. You can have more confidence in your decisions when you take the time to understand the people around you. Pay attention to their needs and expectations.

5.      Try new things. Take a break from ordering the usual lunch special to try a new item on the menu. Ask the summer interns to make at least 3 recommendations on making the training process more effective.

6.      Question assumptions. Studies show that most people tend to think they conform less than they really do. Evaluate your true motives.

7.      Build support. As you advocate for changes, team up with like-minded people. Persuade others by showing them what they have to gain.

Being Unconventional in Specific Situations


1.      Bend the dress code. Office wear evolves. Even if red sneakers are out of the question, you may find that black leather sports shoes are acceptable and comfortable.

2.      Check facts. It’s common for people to doubt their own conclusions when others think differently. Research your position before you let yourself be swayed. You may confirm that you were correct. In any case, you’ll be better prepared for the next project.

3.      Encourage children’s questions. Conformity is part of how we learn to speak and feed ourselves. On the other hand, give your children the opportunity to strengthen their own reasoning. They’ll be better equipped to deal with social pressures when they join the workforce.

4.      Accept accountability. It’s easy to doubt how much impact individual actions will have on big issues. Take satisfaction in knowing that you’re doing your part to fulfill your company’s mission and make life better for your customers. It may inspire you to go beyond your job description.

5.      Stand up for principles. Above all, be yourself at work as much as possible. You’ll enjoy greater peace of mind and find it easier to connect with your colleagues.

It may be okay to go along with the crowd as long as you’re true to your values. Listen to your authentic self and find the balance that works for you. You’ll increase your chances of developing a rewarding career and leading a more meaningful life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Achieve Balance

Achieving balance in my life is important to me.


Even though I sometimes feel overwhelmed with everything I want to accomplish, I still aim to enjoy the day. So, I do everything possible to seek and find perfect balance in my life.

 I work hard each day to do my best at work., but when I finish at the end of the day, I leave work behind.

I am careful about committing to extra hours at work because I know that doing so means I give up time with friends, family, or “me” time.

At home, my energy is divided between those I love, taking care of my home, and finding my own inner peace to deal with the stresses of life.

My social life and friendships are also high on my list of priorities.

I use my calendar to schedule in time for work projects wisely. i balance home tasks, and social activities. I block out an hour or two weekly to enjoy my own personal time however I choose.


Today, I know I can experience the joys of multiple aspects of my life, all in balance. My life brings me everything I want.


Self-Reflection Questions:


1.    Do I feel like my life is balanced right now? What areas am I short-changing?

2.    How much do I focus on achieving balance in my life?
How can I ensure I have a healthy balance among my